04/27/2014 – At approx. 0237 AM the LFD was alerted for a fire nature unknown at the Laurel middle school. Shortly after dispatch the call was re-alerted and upgraded to a working structure fire, in the area of 213 thru 550 east 6thstreet. The upgraded alarm added station 74 (Delmar) and station 14 (Sharptown). Fire Chief Keith LeCates responded in command 81, and arrived on scene to find a working fire in a 2 ½ story wood frame structure. E 81-4 arrives and is directed to drop a 5 inch supply line at the hydrant, and pull past the structure leaving room for a truck company. E 81-3 arrives and stages at the hydrant. E 74-3 arrives and crew assists Laurel firefighters with fire suppression. Truck 14 arrives and sets up on the A & D corner of the structure. E 1404 arrives and lays an additional 5 inch line to supply their truck. Tower 81 arrives and sets up on the A & B corner. Additional companies were called into the scene to provide manpower for the extensive operation from station 71 (Blades) and station 77 (Georgetown). Station 79 (Gumboro) provided a stand-by in Laurel for the duration of this incident. Firefighters worked for approx. 3 hours to bring the incident under control. Despite their efforts the House was a total loss and is under investigation by the Fire Marshalls office as possible Arson.
Story by D. Chaffinch
Photographs by : Billy Adkins