3/13/2013 – At approximately 5:45 PM Caroline dispatched Station 300 (Denton), Ambulance 392 and Paramedic 13 for an MVC with rollover and entrapment on Route 313 north of the Oil City light. Units arrived on location to find two vehicles involved in a serious MVC with both drivers self-extricated. Officer 316 (D. Higgs) established command and requested an additional Engine from Station 600 (Greensboro). After patient assessment Aviation was requested for both patients. Engine 603 handled the LZ for Trooper 6 and Trooper 1.
The roadway remained closed for several hours while the Maryland State Police conducted their investigation and Knottās Towing cleaned up the wreckage.
Units on scene: Rescue 300, Engine 302, Engine 304, Engine 603, Ambulance 392, Paramedic 13, Trooper 6, Trooper 1 and Maryland State Police.
Photographs by : Bruce Secrist