1/21/2011 – At 12:52am Wicomico central alerted Stations 3 (Fruitland) 1 (Salisbury) and 15 (Allen) for a reported structure fire on S. Division St. in Fruitland. Medic B-3 arriving on the scene reported heavy fire and smoke showing from the front of the structure with the lone occupant out of the residence. First arriving units (Engine 302 & Truck 1) placed multiple hand lines in service with primary attack thru the front door. Asst Chief Shereves (315) in Car 3 arrived on the scene establishing S. Division Command. Due to a quickly spreading fire and balloon frame construction command requested additional equipment from Station 16 and Station 2 (Salisbury). To secure a fast knock Operations command 318 (Twilley) requested a 2 ½ line in service to side B of the structure. With Hydrants in the vicinity out of service due to construction neighbors and EMS crews assisted in hand pulling a 3” supply line thru backyards to a hydrant in the Tony Tank subdivision. With water supply established crews made an aggressive interior attack quickly gaining the upper hand on the fire. Crews remained on scene for approximately 4 hours for overhaul and investigation.
Units on scene: Engine 302, Car 3, Tanker 305, Traffic 3, Truck 1, Engine 2, Air Light 2, Tanker 16, Engine 16-1, Engine 1501, Engine 1503, Squad 15, Medic B-3 Units from Parsonsburg and Princess Anne provided cover up during the alarm.
Photos & Story by Mark Filippelli