12/15/2009 – At approximately 6:35 PM Talbot Center dispatched Station 60 (Easton) and Station 50 (Cordova) for a working house fire at 29012 Rabbit Hill Road. Talbot Center advised all responding units the caller reported it to be fully involved.
Chief 60 (C.R. Chance) arrived on location to find a vacant farm house fully involved and established “Rabbit Hill Road” command. Crews pulled hand lines from Engine 54, Engine 68 and Engine 63 to battle the large blaze that was fueled by strong winds. Units operated on the scene for approximately 2 hours.
The cause of the fire is being investigated by the Maryland State Fire Marshall’s Office.
Units on scene: Chief 60, Chief 61, Engine 63, Engine 68, Tanker 61, Ambulance 60, Rescue 61, Engine 54, Engine 52, Tanker 53 and Paramedic 90
Photographs by : Bruce Secrist