11/29/2009 – At 5:50pm Wicomico Central alerted Station 5 (Hebron) to a MVC with Injuries on Stanton Ave. Deputy 5 arrived on location to find a victim on the gound in arrest. Paramedic A-5 transported Priority 1 to PRMC. Rescue Pumper 5-01 arrived to find a Toyota Sienna minivan had struck a go-kart being pushed along the roadway by 2 individuals. B-5 arrived to evaluate the 3 persons in minivan and requested Paramedic 16 to transport the 2nd victim from the go-kart. B-5 transported 1 minivan passenger, and obtained refusals from the driver and other passenger. The roadway was closed for 2 hours for investigation by Maryland State Police and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s office.
Units Responding: Car 5 w/ Deputy, Rescue Pumper 5-01, Engine 5-07, Paramedic A-5, Ambulance B-5, Paramedic 16, Wicomico Fire Police, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies, Maryland State Police.
Photographs by : Cliff Shockley