2/27/2009 – At 2342 hours, Kent County EOC alerted Station 48 (Felton) for a reported MVC with injuries on Canterbury Road in the area of the pond.
Chief 48 (Kevin Rains), responded just seconds after ambulance B-48. Chief Rains arrived on scene to find a vehicle off the road about 15 feet into the woods and confirmed entrapment. Chief 48 established command. Rescue- Engine 48-1 responded under the direction of Asst. Chief Gary Moore.
Upon the arrival of the Rescue / Engine 48-1 command had the crew light the scene and stabilize the vehicle. Crews had to work in a wooded area near the pond. Kent Medic 5 & Kent Medic 8 confirmed they would utilize aviation. Command requested the Kent County SPCA to respond for several animals that needed care.
Once the vehicle was stabilized, EMS crews removed the patient from the vehicle and prepared for transport. Delaware State Police Trooper 2 flew one patient to Christiana Hospital.
Units Responding: Chief 48, B-48, Rescue / Engine 48-1, Engine 48-3, Kent Medics 8 & 5, Trooper 2, DSP, Felton PD, 48 Fire Police, & Kent County SPCA.
Photographs by : Ryan Whittington